What do I need to know about Litecoin?

Litecoin (LTC) is one of the earliest "altcoins" or alternative versions of Bitcoin, which rose to prominence and has remained popular ever since. Compared to Bitcoin, it was designed to be cheaper to use and have faster transaction confirmation, important for both customers and merchants if crypto is to become widely accepted as a currency.

Crypto transactions happen all the time but are confirmed at intervals, kind of like when you use a credit card and see the charges as pending until a later date. Litecoin transactions are confirmed every 2.5 minutes, four times faster than the 10 minutes required for Bitcoin transactions.

Litecoin also has four times the supply limit of Bitcoin (84 million vs 21 million) making it far less scarce than Bitcoin.

Worth searching to learn more about Litecoin

* Lightning Network
* Crypto supply limit
* Charlie Lee Litecoin

Quick facts    

Using the experimental accelerator called Lightning Network, Litecoins travelled from Zurich to San Francisco in less than 1 second.  

The total number of Litecoins that can ever exist is 84 million. This might seem like a lot, but for perspective, there are over 12 billion $1 bills in circulation today.

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