How do I respond to a pre-chargeback alert?

What’s a pre-chargeback alert?

A pre-chargeback alert is a type of case notification sent to merchants to help identify transactions possibly receiving a chargeback. These aren’t actual chargebacks but only an indicator of possible chargebacks. 

How will I receive a pre-chargeback alert?

You’ll receive an alert as a new case in the Resolution Center. You’ll be notified about the case through all the usual notification channels.

You can view these alerts using the “Case type” filter in the Resolution Center. A pre-chargeback alert row gets shown as “High Priority.”  

Can I respond to a pre-chargeback alert?

Yes, you can respond to these alerts in the Resolution Center. You’ll get a 20-hour window to issue refunds for transactions without fulfilling orders and avoiding any applicable fees.  

If you’ve successfully fulfilled the order, within or outside the 20-hour window, you can also provide evidence in the alert. PayPal will use this evidence to contest the chargeback when it arrives.  

Why should I respond within the 20-hour window?

As a benefit, if you respond with a refund to your buyer within the 20-hour window, you can avoid getting a chargeback and any associated chargeback fees.  

Will I be able to respond outside this window?

Yes, you can choose to respond outside the 20-hour window as well. You’ll get the regular ten days to respond after that. If you choose to do that,  you may be unable to avoid receiving a chargeback or the associated fee.

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